minority DEVElopment & Advocacy



Our aim is to establish a world where minority peoples are recognized and respected; an end to the unjust treatment minority peoples are subjected to; and a world where vulnerable peoples are free to live in their own country, safe from violence, oppression and exploitation. 

Furthermore, our aim is to make MDA a recognizable force in this field. MDA will strive to meet the expectation of their client and beyond. 


1. For the public benefit, the relief of poverty amongst Black Ethnic Minority (BME) individuals and those seeking asylum or those granted refugee status particularly by the provision of legal and other advice. 

2. To advance the education of the public in particular but not exclusively about issues that affect BME communities, including refugees and those seeking asylum in the United Kingdom, by undertaking or supporting research and the publication of the useful results thereof. 

3. To promote human rights (as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent United Nations conventions and declarations) throughout the world by all or any of the following means:

  • Monitoring abuses of human rights;  
  • Obtaining redress for the victims of human rights abuse; 
  • Relieving need among the victims of human rights abuse; 
  • Research into human rights issues; 
  • Providing technical advice to government and others on human rights matters; 
  • Contributing to the sound administration of human rights law; 
  • Commenting on proposed human rights legislation 
  • Raising awareness of human rights issues; 
  • Promoting public support for human rights; 
  • Promoting respect for human rights among individuals and corporations; 
  • International advocacy of human rights
  • Eliminating infringements of human rights.

In furtherance of that object but not otherwise, the trustees shall have power to engage in political activity provided that the trustees are satisfied that the proposed activities will further the purposes of the charity to an extent justified by the resources committed and the activity is not the dominant means by which the charity carried out its objects. 


We will conduct research and compile reports to raise awareness of the policy issues that affect vulnerable minorities in the UK. This will be conducted jointly with UK University Research departments with whom links are already established. 

This work will include research work into specific issues affecting isolated communities and we will provide seminars and conferences to highlight these issues. We will also provide information to government "Think Tanks" raising issues that concern London communities and new arrivals.  

MDA is determined that it will be driven by its value base, promoting human rights and social justice for those very vulnerable people whose place in the world has been determined by their past experience of displacement.